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My Happy Place is your Place

So let me start this off by saying I really suck at blogging photographs from my time with families. I've been photographing the 'Day in the Life' of families across the Greater Toronto Area for 4 years now and the family documentary photography genre is still in its infancy, so I SHOULD be blogging more about my sessions to get the word out there. It doesn't mean I don't love my sessions, it's the absolute opposite! Spending time with families and making photographs are what fuels my passion. I just have a time management issue, in all honesty.

I work a lot from home and that means I'm most likely working with a kid or two running around and I find it extremely difficult to write out my thoughts while my focus is split between my keyboard and the kids. I will chalk it up to this particular time in my life and I've come to accept that it's all a bit chaotic, but at the same time, I feel like it can also be all about appearances and I do worry that my lack of blogging sessions sends the wrong message. Let this be known, each family holds a special place in my heart and the photographs from each of those sessions are filled with everything I've got and that I definitely do want to share! So, I'm going to start with a session from the summer with plans on going back and sharing other sessions from the past but I'll also be putting in more time to share my sessions from this year too because I really feel that seeing photographs of everyday life makes us all feel a little bit closer as mom, dads and our community as a whole because we're all in this together, am I right?!


I arrived at the family home of Rhett and Eve-Marie while their son was still sleeping from his morning nap. It gave us a little time to catch up as we'd first met when I documented their visit to The Ex in Toronto while they were expecting and Eve-Marie was still pregnant. Now almost a year later, it felt great to be in their home with the baby I hadn't yet had the chance to meet.

Once Tristan woke up, they had a light lunch then went off to pick some blueberries at a local farm. I honestly have never tasted the sweetest blueberries than I did that day. Eve-Marie was so kind to pack me up a bunch and I snacked on them on the 2 hour drive home.

After the farm, we hit up their neighbourhood park but as Tristan started getting tired we headed back home where they put him down for his afternoon nap.

Thank you for including me in your day! It's an amazing feeling to be able to watch families as they grow!

*Original contents of this blog have been changed.

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